tomb of hafez in shiraz

tomb of hafez in shiraz

One of Iran's most well-known poets and Gnostics, Hafez or Hafiz was born in Shiraz in 726 AH and died 65 years later.

Two gardens make up Hafiz's tomb, also known as Hafizieh, which is situated north of Shiraz. Numerous visitors still come to honor this poet's mastery.

The mausoleum itself is set in a magnificent garden and has a really special tranquil feeling.

A number of new rectangular ponds have been built to the grounds, and well-kept orange trees, pathways, streams, and flowerbeds make the area around Hafez's tomb and memorial hall a welcoming place for visitors.

On-site refreshments are available in a traditional setting at the tea house.

Hafez's tomb's dome is beautifully illuminated at night, making it an appealing focal point. 10,000 books are now housed in the former mausoleum of Qasem Khan Waali, which is being used as a library for the Hafez study.

About Hafez

About Hafez

Shiraz served as the birthplace of Hafez, who passed away there in 1390. Hafez was well-known in his birthplace and served as the court poet.

He is a popular figure among Iranians, who know his verses by heart.

Babur Ibn-Baysunkur, a Timurid governor, commanded the construction of a modest, dome-shaped building in his honor at Shiraz, close to his grave at Golgast-e Mosalla, in 1452.

Hafiz's poetry made reference to the Goldust-e Mosalla gardens, which are now called Musalla Gardens.

The grounds, which span an area of more than 19,000 square meters, also housed one of Shiraz's cemeteries, and Babur had a pool constructed here at the same time as the memorial.

Abbas I of Persia and Nader Shah both undertook independent repair initiatives in the following 300 years, believing they were mandated by signs in Hafez's poetry.

During Karim Khan Zand's rule in 1773, a considerably larger memorial was built in the gardens.

The Hfezieh had four central columns, two chambers built at the east and west ends, and the north and south sides were left open.

It was located in the Musalla Gardens on the north bank of the seasonal Rudkhaneye Khoshk river.

With the orange grove in the front and the cemetery in the back, the building divided the gardens into two sections. A marble slab had been set over the burial, which was located outside the building in the centre of the cemetery. A calligrapher carved poetry snippets from Hafez on the marble.

A Farsi governor renovated the tomb in 1857, and another Farsi governor constructed a wooden enclosure around it in 1878.

After that, the location sparked debate when an Indian Parsi named Ardeshir started to erect a shrine over Hafez's grave in 1899.

A professor of religious law with some standing in Shiraz, Ali-Akbar Fl-Asiri, protested to a Zoroastrian edifice over a Muslim grave notwithstanding the philanthropist Parsi's permission to build the iron and wood shrine from a Shiraz ulema.

He tore down the half-finished building with his supporters.

Shiraz residents protested the demolition, and the government ordered the monument to be rebuilt; however, Fl-Asiri was against this and vowed to demolish any structures built there, even if they had been constructed by the king himself.

Before 1901, when Prince Malek Mansur Mirza Shao es-Saltaneh erected an ornamental iron transenna around Hafez's tomb, the location had been in ruins for two years. It was engraved with a verse and the patrons of the transenna's names.

Architecture of Hafezieh

Architecture of Hafezieh

The group of monuments known as the Tomb of Hafez, or Hafezieh in Iranian, is situated south of Quran Gate.

One of Shiraz's most congested areas is this one. The mausoleum is secluded from the main road, representing modern society's prison for Hafiz's mystical ideas.

The southern portion of Hafezieh is a representation of the material world; you must cross it in order to approach the skies (the tomb's nine stairs represent the number of skies in Persian literature); and lastly, you will see the sun (the tomb itself).

Eight burial entrances may be found in the complex's northernmost area, which is thought to be the afterlife (in Islam, eight is the number of doors leading to paradise).

The dome's exterior features a Turkish hat and the sky as symbols. However, the interior is decorated with lovely tiles in shades of turquoise blue (a representation of paradise), purple-red (a representation of perpetual wine), black and white (a representation of day and night), and dark brown (symbol of soil).

Be careful what you wish for because it has a high likelihood of coming true in the big pool next to the tomb where you can make wishes and throw coins.

Location of Hafezieh

Since Hafezieh sits in the middle of the city, there are many of other places to go nearby.

In addition to the gorgeous landscaping within the property, you may walk to Jahan Nama Garden.

The Karim Khan Citadel, Vakil Mosque, Vakil Bazaar, Quran Gate, and Nasir Ol-Molk Mosque are further neighboring tourist sites (the Pink Mosque).

Where to Eat near Hafezieh

Where to Eat near Hafezieh

It can be very exhausting and leave you hungry to travel to Hafezieh. Be at ease, though! There are numerous eateries nearby where you may savor delectable Persian cuisine.

These places include Sharzeh Restaurant, Haft Khan Restaurant, Shandiz Restaurant, Qavam Restaurant, and Shah Abbasi Restaurant.

Where to Stay near Hafezieh

You have a few options for lodging close to Hafezieh, including the Atlas Hotel, Persepolis Hotel, Shiraz Royal Hotel, Park Saadi Hotel, Arg Hotel, and Parseh Hotel. We also recommend that you visit our article on cheap hotels in Shiraz, Iran if you're looking for affordable lodging.

Present structure

Present structure of Hafezieh

Activities to renovate and enlarge the Hafez memorial got under way in 1931, when Faraj-Allah Bahrmi Dabir-e Aam, the governor of Fars and Isfahan, renovated the orange grove and made changes to the Hfezieh.

Additional upgrades were postponed until the Ministry of Education organized the construction of a new structure in 1935.

The new structures were designed by French archaeologist and architect André Godard, who at the time served as technical head of the Department of Antiquities. The design, however, is credited to Maxime Sioux by other sources.

Hafez's tomb was altered by being raised one meter above the ground and encircled by five stairs.

A copper dome in the form of a dervish hat is supported by eight columns that are each ten meters tall. An arabesque and vivid mosaic may be seen on the dome's underside.Karim Khan Zand constructed the initial four-column memorial hall, which was greatly expanded. To the four original pillars,

sixteen more were erected to form a long verandah. Ghazals and other passages from Hafez's poetry are etched on various façades.

Architect of the Hafez tomb

Architect of the Hafez tomb

Famous orientalist Andre Godard attended the Paris Faculty of Fine Arts and earned his degree there.

He was well-known for being an influential figure in the world of architecture.

He was given the responsibility of building and restoring several ancient sites in Iran after being invited to the country in 1307 AH.

Andre Godard spent around 32 years living in Iran, during which time he attempted to make several changes in the country's archaeology and cultural heritage by compiling a record of modifications and building historical monuments.

In a French-language publication, he and his wife also described Iranian historical and cultural objects. One of Andre Godard's longest-lasting contributions to Iran was the building and repair of the tomb and tomb of Hafez, which secured his place in Iranian history for all time.

Gardens and tourism

Hafezieh tourism

A number of new rectangular ponds have been built to the grounds, and well-kept orange trees, pathways, streams, and flowerbeds make the area around Hafez's tomb and memorial hall a welcoming place for visitors. On-site refreshments are available in a traditional setting at the tea house.

Hafez's tomb's dome is beautifully illuminated at night, making it an appealing focal point.

10,000 books are presently housed in the 10,000-volume library that was once Qsem Khan Wli's tomb and is now devoted to Hafez studies.


Finally, when you travel to Shiraz, you must visit Hafez's tomb. Also, you need a vehicle to go to Shiraz, and you can rent the vehicle you need by visiting our website, website, and enjoy your trip.

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