Date of World Happiness Day

Date of World Happiness Day

The 2022 International Day of Happiness will be held on March 20 to recognize the significance of happiness and wellbeing as universal aspirations in people's lives all over the world. Check out the theme, significance, history, and some important day-of information for this year.

2022's "International Day of Happiness" In 2013, it was observed for the first time. It is a yearly celebration sanctioned by the UN to spread the notion that happiness is a fundamental human right. Strong social ties and a sense of purpose in life, say scientists, are the keys to human wellness.

Some people think that up to 90% of our feelings of wellbeing are caused by having a positive mindset. It's also believed that happy people live longer and experience fewer health issues. The day is described in detail below.

On March 20, people around the world will celebrate International Day of Happiness in an effort to spread the message that happiness is one of the best gifts you can give and is a major objective of many organizations.

The United Nations created the International Day of Happiness to spread the notion that being happy is a basic human objective. The day is organized by with assistance from other organizations.

This day serves as a reminder for other nations to approach public policies in a way that enhances the wellbeing of everyone.

We cannot ignore the necessity of taking action to end poverty, achieve equality, and preserve the environment in order to advance global happiness.

These are the objectives that "sustainable development" aims to achieve for UN member states and humanitarian organizations.

The international day of happiness's past

international day of happiness

Uninitiated people can find the phrase "International Day of Happiness" a little childish. Maybe you're seeing kids singing "If you're happy and you know it" or folks dancing joyously beneath a beaming sun and rainbows.

Although you're not entirely wrong—who doesn't like a good sing-along session?—the reality is that this wonderful day is much more than simply smiles and positive energy.

Thanks to the efforts of the United Nations and its affiliated nonprofit organization Action for Happiness, which is made up of individuals from 160 different nations, we are able to observe International Day of Happiness.

The movement's overarching objective is to raise awareness of the fact that advancement involves not only boosting profits and promoting economic growth, but also well-being and human happiness.

Giving happiness equal weight to economic opportunity was declared a "fundamental human goal" by the UN General Assembly in 2011. The first International Day of Happiness was observed by all 193 UN members two years later, in 2013, and it has since grown.

So, on March 20, when you replay Pharrell Williams' song "Happy," take a moment to reflect on what makes you truly happy and how you may go after it.

Theme for the International Day of Happiness

"Build back happier" is the topic of the International Day of Happiness in 2022.

The COVID-19 pandemic recovery is the main emphasis of the theme.

The International Day of Happiness in 2020 had the theme "Happier Together." Instead of focusing on our differences, it highlighted our similarities.

Life is happier when we are together, and everyone wants to be happy. The time has arrived to show up and honor all people. Find ways to make people happy and work toward making others happy. When we work together and have similar goals, this is possible.

Happiness For All, Forever was the slogan for the 2020 International Day of Happiness, which attempted to highlight our similarities rather than our differences. People from many nations and backgrounds coexist in today's world due to rising migration.

Communities currently consist of individuals who have a variety of opinions, including political and religious ones.

What advantages does happiness have?

happy childeren

Strong social relationships and a feeling of purpose, say some scientists, are essential for human wellness. that takes part in activities that benefit humanity as a whole.

Up to 90% of our feelings of wellbeing, according to some, are accounted for by having a positive mindset. Like giving to others, cooperating to better the neighborhood, or adhering to a faith that encourages group activities like regular worship.

It's also believed that cheerful people live longer and experience fewer health problems.

Additionally, those that are happier don't struggle with cardiac diseases or high blood pressure. Still, investigations and research are being conducted to determine what causes happiness and how to acquire or boost it.

The International Day of Happiness is an occasion to celebrate happiness and to spread joy. Recognize the value of happiness in life and strive to achieve it.


There are various crisis situations happening right now all around the world, including those in the Ukraine, Yemen, Gaza, and other places. It's getting harder to concentrate on happiness.

Additionally, our well-being is frequently overtaken by worldly items, and as a result, worry, anxiety, despair, and frustration become our dominant feelings. Raising awareness of the value of happiness in our lives is therefore essential.

Activities for the International Day of Happiness

1. Be sure to interact with others.

People are social beings. Try to reverse this trend if you've been putting off planning a get-together with your pals or have recently said "no" to going out a lot.

You might notice that your stress levels decrease and stay low as a result of this one interaction if you go out and laugh, have fun, and don't take yourself too seriously. One of the easiest ways to release tension is to smile or laugh, and best of all, these activities are free!

2. Learn More

Stress and dissatisfaction brought on by work, the economy, worries about one's health and safety, and a host of other circumstances may be a heavy burden for anyone.

But if you read a little about mindfulness, well-being, and other techniques to connect with what matters most, you might start to develop a fresh perspective on life.

One of the easiest and greatest techniques to feel contented is as follows: List everything. Make a list of the top five things that actually bring you joy.

Consider this carefully as well. Does Adam Sandler's most recent Netflix project make you happy in the long run? After you've listed five items, make sure to include at least one of them into your routine. The impacts of the International Day of Happiness can then last the entire year.

why we adore International Happiness Day

laughing child

1. Contentment isn't a guarantee

According to the World Health Organization, up to 300 million individuals worldwide suffer from depression, and countless more have unrecognized unhappiness in their lives.

Many people aren't taking their well-being seriously due to the rising pressure to succeed in a quick-paced, globalized culture, which can have detrimental impacts on both the individual and their environment. The time has come to emphasize joy.

2. Smiling is good for you

Numerous studies have shown that something as basic as smiling can enhance mood, reduce stress, and increase enjoyment. Additionally, these responses prompt additional smiles, starting a fruitful loop.

Therefore, even if you have to fake a smile on International Day of Happiness, science suggests the benefits you'll soon experience are real.

3. It spreads easily

According to studies, raising your own mood may be enough to lift the spirits of others around you. Researchers have found that positive, happy, and humorous posts are shared far more than negative ones by examining what is shared most frequently online and what "goes viral." A single encouraging remark in one nation might inspire an entire population in another during this exponential growth period. Just get the word out there, that's all!

The significance of joy

There is no denying the importance of happiness for both physical and mental well-being. Studies have shown that the body responds better to infections when one is cheerful, which may explain why happy people are less likely to contract certain diseases.

Happiness lessens stress because happy people have the lowest levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Inflammatory illness pain is lessened by happiness, and so are muscle tension, nausea, and heartburn. Happiness improves brain analysis, productivity, and memory and concentration. People who are content are healthy and don't have mental illnesses.

People's physical and mental health can be thought of as a factor in their happiness. Politics, economy, security, and peace are additional factors that affect happiness in society. People who are unhappy lack the drive to work hard and pursue excellence and advancement.

World Happiness Day is an annual event that the UN welcomes individuals of all ages, socioeconomic groups, organizations, and governments to take part in.

Seven methods for observing the International Day of Happiness

happy boy

Also acknowledged on this day is "the need for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness, and the well-being of all peoples."

Bhutan, a Buddhist nation that prioritizes happiness over wealth and adopted a goal of Gross National Happiness over Gross National Product, proposed the resolution.

March 20th is the International Day of Happiness. The theme for this year is BETTER TOGETHER, emphasizing what unites us rather than what divides us.

1: Surround oneself with upbeat people

If you're surrounded by negativity, it's challenging to stay positive. Commit to surrounding yourself with only positive people for an entire day. You might find it so inspiring that you decide to make a few of these adjustments in the future!

Avoid all bad news for the day and only read good news. The DailyGood and HuffPost both have "Good News" sections that feature stories that encourage.

Genuinely say "hello" to everyone you see while wearing a smile.

Find a way to turn negative talk around you into something positive, such as "ugh, I hate that it's raining again" or "I can't wait to see how gorgeous this spring will be!" Even seemingly insignificant negative remarks can be draining.

Only use media that makes you happy. That makes you happy: music, movies, podcasts, TV series, etc. Skip anything gloomy, depressing, or melancholy.

Spend time with those who energize and fill you up rather than those who deplete you.

2. Establish a pleasure list.

Make a list of the things that make you happy by taking your time. Put everything and everything on there, no matter how tiny, that makes you smile or makes you happy. You might have everything from frivolous stuff to important things.

Include everything on your list that brings you joy without passing any judgment. Making this really precise also helps!

Bring out your list if you're feeling down or going through a difficult period. You might feel a little bit better after reading it.

Try a suggestion from the list, then gauge your reaction. Although it might not totally cure your poor mood, you could discover that it helps you feel a little more upbeat.

3. Take in the outdoors

I've always discovered that being in nature automatically makes me happier.

In fact, studies have shown that spending time in nature may aid with anxiety reduction, stress relief, tiredness reduction, and creative enhancement. Why not spend some time in nature today and enjoy all the advantages it offers?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Take a stroll outside
  • Enjoy your lunch or a cup of coffee outside
  • Sit in nature and just observe;
  • Feel the soil beneath your feet when walking barefoot;

4. Show someone else some kindness.

Sometimes, making someone else happy might increase our own feelings of happiness. Why not be kind to others on this International Day of Happiness and lift their spirits?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Hide motivational notes for others to find
  • Pay for the person in line behind you
  • Offer a sincere and thoughtful compliment
  • Provide a small gift to a service provider who doesn't typically receive much appreciation (a cup of coffee, flowers, muffins, etc.)
  • Send dessert to someone at a restaurant • Write thank you letters or cards to loved ones or people who improve your life.

5. Put thankfulness first.

People who are thanks are happier than those who are joyful, not the other way around. Author not known

Every time I concentrate on my blessings, I am always struck by how much I have to be thankful for. Writing down three things each morning that I'm glad for about my life in general and three things each night that I'm grateful for from that particular day is how I practice gratitude every day.

I'll tailor my thankfulness practice to whatever it is that I'm struggling with.

Basically, I'll push myself to accomplish that for a whole week by coming up with three things for which I'm thankful in relation to that circumstance. Even if it doesn't always solve the issue I'm having, it does enable me to approach it more positively.

Consider including your own gratitude ritual! What it does for you might surprise you.

6. Acquire a new instrument for happiness

It takes dedication and discipline to live a joyful life; it is not always simple. Similar to anything else in life, success will be simpler to attain if you have more tools at your disposal. Make a promise to yourself to acquire one new happiness skill on the International Day of Happiness.

The following books offer excellent tools for happiness:

happy mother and daughter

7. Hold a dinner to promote world happiness.

The International Day of Happiness may be celebrated with tasty and entertaining happiness meals! Gross National Happiness USA (GNHUSA), a group that wants to assess achievement using happiness rather than riches, launched the Happiness Dinners program.

Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, there was an increase in division and strife, which led to the formation of the group.

They made the decision to attempt to persuade people to divert their attention from contentious political issues and engage in heartfelt discussions in order to help them realize that, at their core, everyone shares the same goals.

The annual Happiness Dinners are a means for people to concentrate on what truly matters: loved ones, nice discussion, being of service and giving to others.

They take place every year around International Day of Happiness. During their own Happiness Dinner, participants are urged to reflect on what means most to them and celebrate that.

  • Sign up to organize a Worldwide Happiness Dinner on or near March 20th, the International Day of Happiness.
  • Invite loved ones and/or friends to eat with you.
  • You may cook a dinner, order takeout, go out, or have a potluck on the day of your event—whatever works for you.
  • Using our suggestions, you and your guests set aside some time during the evening to have a dialogue about what matters.
  • Your group sends us an email with a photo and a few discussion starters. Please assist us in spreading the news! Post to Facebook.#WorldHappinessDinner We anticipate having dinners and having chats all over the nation and the world!
  • You are not need to do this formally, but I do suggest looking at their rules if you are interested. It's a great approach to start up a meaningful, joyfulconversation with your loved ones!


Last but not least, the International Day of Happiness, observed on March 20, is intended to remind us that happiness is a vital component of human life and should never be overlooked or eliminated.

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